I recognize that a picture is worth thousand words, I am tired of knowing that, but I never learn. this time I am doing a little test, as you can see it's a picture of a desktop full of paper, in this case just a few papers but because they shine they seem to be much more than actually are. this picture was of more than 3Mb but after being retouched came to a mere 300 kb and such, could be even less but the effect seems to me enough and I'm tired. may not seem for the lack of published articles, but first you can not say that I publish articles, it won't be humble from me and a genuine disregard for articles. the zemanta thinks this article relates well with mine, I don't think so, but you can't ask more from a robot that tries to read the thoughts of an avatar. in any case is an interesting article, it's one of those that says nothing but on the other hand has a lot of information, in addition, it's also translated to english, so this is not my idea anyway, i could have been original but now i'm frustrated. but it is a fact that I saw before a very nice design with the statement: it is better to be ridiculous than to be boring, like i'm being now, ridiculous and boring at the same time. so, let me go to bed after having this text translated.
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