sábado, 30 de janeiro de 2010

-6 en

5 o'clock in the morning, a sound makes him turn around and put the both feet on the floor.
everything's quiet.
no more sounds. it was probably a nightmare.
one foot after the other, both feet take him around the room, approaching the kitchen window.
outside, some lights.
a bench is occupied.
the lady seated on the bench seems to be sleeping. some small amount of snow covers her feet.
he comes out making small marks on the white snow to involve her with a blanket.
he puts his handon her head and finds her very cold. after 5 minutes, his hug starts to warm her and makes her open her eyes.
a small bird comes an kisses the face of the lady.
then the bird looks to the man and sees nothing.
there is no one there.
just a blanket.
and the bird looks to the lady again. and she's not there either.
the bird looks to the blanket and to the bench and asks himself why there are no explanations for birds.
on the bench, a chess table.
the little bird, worried with the missing humans, never kissed humans again.

domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2010

-5 en

a little bird came from the sky directly to his hat. a handmade cotton hat. blue. wet. not only the hat but also the body and face.
a shiny face.
always looking. staring. looking from the corner of the eye... hey! what eye?
no eye on that face. blind.
the bird, prepared to fly, looked down, directly to the empty spaces.
with a small noise and kissing... wait! so birds can kiss?
surely birds kiss. softly. you can't get one every day.
the little bird was looking at the empty spaces trying to understand the space. it was supposed to be full. but it wasn't.
and beyond the empty full condition, there was something else on bird mind.
some idea was developing.
ideas develop really fast on birds minds, birds are lucky animals because they don't have the accuracy of thinking humans developed to use on their self destruction.
but the good thing was: it was a bird idea developing.
and ideas are great on empty spaces.
all rooms should be filled of ideas. all walls covered with thoughts, pictures. and after all walls covered. look at the walls. do you see any walls?
i don't get it. i covered the walls with pictures and drawings and thoughts and ideas and i don't know... i don't know... i look at them and i don't see anything but the sea?
the sea always around me where it was supposed to be walls covered with pictures and drawings and thoughts and ideas and i don't know... i don't know...
and where is the bird?
somewhere below the hat, there was the shadow of the hat. and the little bird started talking to the face.
the talk was long and deep. bird eyes looking directly to empty eye spaces and the power of silent communication played on a chess table without pieces to move.
and the shadow was running around to fulfill the principle of bringing shadows where light can't go.
and we speak of sun light.
and the sun is moving.
... no?
am i wrong?
... but i see it moving. how can you explain it's not if i see it moving from morning till dawn, i never see it in the same place during the same day?
prove to me it's not the sun moving.
yep, i know, you can't.
last time i was nearer the sun i haven't touched it because he moved away on the very last moment.
so close, so far away
or backwards
a wim wenders movie
and what does it have something to do with a small cute bird sleeping in a hat?
having a meaning or not, why don't we just look at the little bird, sleeping, to the beautiful feathers, to his own particular characteristics, and to the sun making him shine, and to all particular conditions of the hat, and the flowers around, let them be roses or orchids, and the trees, how beautiful is the life of a bird, how bad is my googlenglishish to try to develop a poetic long sentence

sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2010

-4 en

please please never forget THEN

ah! you thought i was going to repeat last week text. oh yes. yep. that's right. it was my decision until wednesday, then there was haiti disaster and i thought with so many things to say, so much unsaid, so much to do, why should i bother you with a simple yet entertaining way of saying the evidence: i don't have nothing extraordinary to say but i like to write.
and if more people in the world reads and writes more, we wouldn't have so much violence for sure. well, reading and writing it's probably not enough, it's good to discuss ideas, from discussion you can find errors on your certainties and otherwise.
but this subject is becoming philosofical what's not dxz9 subject. please go to p09t01 if you like philosophy. here i am just trying to explain that i was almost repeating the same text of last week, adding ... on the beginning and ... on the end, repeating ... on the end, maybe until 20 10 10 20.
but that would make you leave, so i am going to repeat it immediately after on the bottom. and now please come next week: short stories are going to restart. dxz9 really likes to tell stories, even if i don't know any.
stay tuned or read a book. paper books are beautiful and really pleasant.
and please please never forget THEN

... and we are finally here, on the so called now twenty ten.
twenty ten has music in it. a good sound.
twenty ten ten twenty
a day in the horizon for good things
we have almost an entire year to arrive at 2010 10 20 and look back
are we going to wait another year to find out 2010 is over and start wishing our best intentions for 2011?
the world moves continuously
global changes
small changes
no changes
what do i want? nothing. i am just an avatar, so to me it's exactly the same.
what do you human want?
is the world really in danger? are we aware of the risks? are they real?
is there something we can all do to make a better and somewhat equal world to all of us?
if you know, can you please tell me?

sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2010

-3 en

... and we are finally here, on the so called now twenty ten.
twenty ten has music in it. a good sound.
twenty ten ten twenty
a day in the horizon for good things
we have almost an entire year to arrive at 2010 10 20 and look back
are we going to wait another year to find out 2010 is over and start wishing our best intentions for 2011?
the world moves continuously
global changes
small changes
no changes
what do i want? nothing. i am just an avatar, so to me it's exactly the same.
what do you human want?
is the world really in danger? are we aware of the risks? are they real?
is there something we can all do to make a better and somewhat equal world to all of us?
if you know, can you please tell me?

sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2010

-2 en

... and we are finally here, on the so called now twenty ten.
twenty ten has music in it. a good sound.
twenty ten ten twenty
a day in the horizon for good things
we have almost an entire year to arrive at 2010 10 20 and look back
are we going to wait another year to find out 2010 is over and start wishing our best intentions for 2011?
the world moves continuously
global changes
small changes
no changes
what do i want? nothing. i am just an avatar, so to me it's exactly the same.
what do you human want?
is the world really in danger? are we aware of the risks? are they real?
is there something we can all do to make a better and somewhat equal world to all of us?
if you know, can you please tell me?