domingo, 25 de abril de 2010


yesterday i wrote something on p09t01. and decided not to be spontaneous, what made me spontaneously write yesterday's text and sequently this one. what means i spontaneously wrote everything yesterday to be spontaneously published later.
i can't do it otherwise.
i write when i have the opportunity and i put what i write on a disk. and now i decide - that's right, it's my esterday's now - i decide now to check it and see the amount of text to put somewhere.
and there is also the second disk, the one i use to delete my first disk arbitrary thoughts.
all i have is k.
k thoughts.
k words.
if it was paper, it would be a lot to go to the blue garbage.
but it's k. k. k.
something big to me.
compared with the t statistically everyone has, multiplied by the 6.000 millions we are, my big k is something like the odds to win the lottery.
but i'm not speaking about a game. it's my k life.
hhhhmmmm... you say: so... you finally say you are alive?
depends. i'm k alive.
just on the edge of a shortcircuit, no backups and two disks with no repair chance.

segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2010


just need to report the delay, that's all i am doing today.
today i tell you yesterday was the day to write a story here.
a small nonsense story you're used to.
but i thought to come here and tell you i am going to write a story tomorrow.
why tomorrow if today is better than tomorrow?
what reason i have to leave for tomorrow?
no ideas are coming tomorrow different of today... or maybe they are.
let's see:
a small story about a keyboard.
a keyboard prepared to read minds.
but noone needs a keyboard to read minds.
if the keyboard reads minds, it is another device. a device that reads minds. it's not a keyboard.
why not if i call it a keyboard? a key board? why do we call key board to the keyboard?
anyone knows the answer?
why did it come to mind now?

quarta-feira, 14 de abril de 2010


a few friends wrote so much this week i decided to put their inputs in here. it's a little different but that makes a small pack of what i got and considered interesting today to share with you.
don't forget to meet and discover the music and stories of Maurício @businari
and a poetry fromRui Girão (Rui, se estás no twitter, avisa)
and 2020 is near from @VitorMagalhaes
and you can also find a daily good moment with Diana (@diana605).
this is simple and fast, two good things for me.
but as you know fast is never good, what means all of you deserve more, so, my apologies.
i wish to have more time tomorrow. if it's not tomorrow, some other day. keep in touch.

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010


what can i say when i have nothing to say unless there i really enjoy the fact of having very good friends.
thank you for your support.
next week i believe i am going to say something more... but... what more can i say?
isn't it the best i can say?
i wish you a very good week!

domingo, 4 de abril de 2010


today, another tree came to my mind. you know how i like to talk about trees.
that's why i am not going to write about any tree.
i see much more trees today than i have seen in the past, probably because today they come into my eyes more often.
if i see a house, i look at the trees around.
if i see a river, i see the trees falling over.
sometimes i see the trees that used to be where a building is, now.
but i told you i am not going to talk about trees.
and if the subject is not interesting, i am not going to talk about anything.
let's see what better subject comes.
maybe a story: why not?
why not remind myself the fact of a story i wrote a long time ago and i am always forgetting about a secret.
but i can't tell you, because it is a secret.
so i need time to think about a new one.
let's see what comes next week.
thanks for staying with me.
from now on, until next year,